OCT 1, 2016 1pm – 3pm Oppenheimer Park | 488 Powell Street FREE | No registration required
Local artists will facilitate two concurrent drawing workshops for people of all ages and abilities. In one workshop, participants create pieces using pencil, pencil crayons, and markers to add to an ongoing community art project entitled “In Case Of Dreams.” In the second workshop, participants will create chalk murals on the pavement and pose for magical portraits in the park.
Participants of all ages and experience are welcome.
Born in Montreal, Quebec, Michael Edward Nardachioni, moved to BC in the late seventies after several visits. Some of his first jobs were a logger, treeplanter and silvicultural contractor. Always the artist and photographer, he prefers wildlife and The Natural World. “I try to paint what I’ve experienced, seen, and feel”. This includes portraits, landscapes, and sometimes non-figurative subject matter.
Known as “the backyard of the Downtown Eastside,” Oppenheimer Park provides cultural, recreational and educational programs with a focus on building a shared sense of community and celebrating the positive attributes of residents.
For more information: Carnegie Community Centre Website | 604.253.8830